The demand for electrical power generation on military ground vehicles has grown continuously over the years due to the use of more ancillary components that operate electrically. Developing electric hybrid vehicle platforms is a key modernization priority for the U.S. Army as it would provide fuel savings and potential tactical advantages.
Electrification of ground combat vehicles can offer numerous operational and logistical benefits, such as reducing dependence on fossil fuels, onboard power for energy-based capabilities, such as directed energy weapons, electrified armor, jammers etc. and silent watch on reconnaissance missions. Other benefits include enhanced mobility and survivability with improved acceleration in vehicles, while extending operations between resupply due to anti-idling.
Electric powered tactical and combat vehicles will also have the ability to plug into a host nation’s power grid for recharging, thus reducing the Army’s logistical burden. It can use vehicle-to-grid power technology, which allows an electric battery to send power down a power grid to support base camps for critical expeditionary operations.
Today, Calnetix’s SiC based Enercycle™ power electronics are enabling new architectures and system solutions for ground military vehicle propulsion. For example, Enercycle™ power electronics are being leveraged for the 500-kW bi-directional inverter on the United States Army Ground Vehicles Systems Center (GVSC) demonstrators as a part of the Platform Electrification and Mobility (PEM) effort. These power dense inverters will drive traction motors and pair with hybrid electric generators to provide mobility and on-board electrical power to ground combat vehicles, enabling a step-change in vehicle performance and operability.
Calnetix’s Defense and Aerospace division is developing megawatt class electric motors and generators for high performance airborne and ground-based applications. Calnetix’s high-speed motor generators are well suited for hybrid electric propulsion systems where power density and reliability are paramount.
Calnetix Technologies is ready to leverage its proven experience to develop electromagnetic drive solutions for hybrid and full electric ground combat vehicles. The Army has set short term goals of mild hybrid electrical systems (less than 1 MW) which can enable the goal of achieving 35 percent fuel reduction, 40 percent improved sprint, 2x Silent Watch and 10x power. Further electrification, through full hybrid and all-electric systems, will drive toward goals of 50 percent fuel reduction, full time silent mobility and 200x power generation capability.
Calnetix Advanced High-speed Technologies for Mission-Critical Defense and Aerospace Applications
Test Results and Analytical Predictions for MIL-STD-167 Vibration Testing of a Direct Drive Compressor Supported on AMB
Variable Frequency Drives Brochure
Enercycle™ DC - 1000 Inverter Video
Advantages of Magnetic Bearings
High-speed Electric Motor Generators Brochure